Food has become so complicated. We can eat one thing one day and not the next. We need to get things back to being much more simple.
What we put in our mouths on a daily basis can have an affect on how our day looks. What we eat will dictate how we feel, behave and function and can also have a huge impact on our future selves.
We are very much an "on the go" society with food readily available on every street corner. We think we are choosing the "right" foods as they are labelled "healthy options" but this term can be misleading. These foods can be packed with hidden sugars and inflammatory products that are cheaper options to add as ingredients. Unless we know what these foods are and what they can do to us we are eating in a way that is damaging our bodies.
Inflammatory foods can cause problems when we are trying to restore the nutrients in our bodies and heal our guts to help us lose weight or just maintain an optimal diet at all ages and stages, but more importantly, can have detrimental affects on our bodies such as long term terminal diseases and issues such as skin problems, swelling and pain in the body.
With some knowledge and choice you can now arm yourselves with the tools to make sure what you are putting into your bodies every day is doing the good. You are putting in so much effort you need to get some reward back!
Learning to read the labels on foods will give you the power to decide if these are the right foods for you! Ingredients on foods must be listed in descending order of weight, so the main ingredients always come first. Next time you pick up a ready meal, a bottled sauce or dressing - turn it over and look at the label if the first 3 ingredients contain sugar or something you can't pronounce then it may be an idea to avoid it.
If there are lots of scientific words on the label this usually means there is a lot of crap in the foods. Choose foods that mainly contain whole foods that you recognise the name of!

Unless they are specified as organic and are low on the ingredient list avoid oils such as Sunflower, Rapeseed or Corn Oils! They are highly processed which leads to inflammation. If you are going to use them use them in small quantities. So deep frying in these oils should be avoided where possible. Stick to oils such as Olive Oil, best to use as dressings but can be used for cooking (check these are in their purest form and in dark bottles), Avocado Oil - this is good for cooking with as it has a high smoke point, Coconut Oil - there is an after taste with this oil but it gives foods a little bit more flavour, Lard, Ghee or animal fats - They have high smoke points and are in their purest forms. With all fats use them sparingly at all times. It's easy to over consume them.

The easiest way to reduce any of these complications is to eat Whole Foods in their purest forms, then there is no reason to wonder what you are eating.
I don't ever want to scaremonger I just want to let you know the basics and the rest is a choice. You aren't going to able to avoid inflammatory foods all the time but reducing will go a long way to repairing and restoring our bodies to their most optimum!