About Me
About Me
I know how you feel. I have had my own health journey of constantly battling with fluctuating weight and trying every weight loss method going, dealing with perimenopausal symptoms like recurring thrush, lack of sleep and loss of mental clarity, having permanent digestive issues that I just thought were normal for me.
I had an 'Enough is Enough" moment and decided it was time to really find out what was going on with me. I got help from a Health Coach and found where the real problems were and how my Gut Health needed resetting and the Inflammation I had in my body was stopping me from getting to the health goals I was trying to achieve. Once I had the knowledge and experience of healing my own Gut Health I knew there were other women having similar experiences to me and I wanted to help them.
I studied to become Health and Nutrition Coach, specialising in Gut Health and Inflammation, as I wanted my approach to be one that was more holistic and that took the person's whole life into account and was dealing with the individual and not just handing out a one size fits all approach that I knew did not work.
Resetting my gut not only helped me lose, and keep the weight off I had gained and lost over the years it also helped get rid of the recurring thrush I was experiencing, it helped improve the digestive issues I was dealing with and I felt more energised and full of life.
I have never felt better in my body and I am stronger in both my body and my mind now that I don't have the discomfort of Inflammation and Gut Health issues getting in the way of my life.
As a Health Coach I can support and guide you to achieve better health and wellness through a natural approach.
It is a gentle approach to a life with better health choices that can help you get back mental clarity, physical wellbeing, better sleep and lower stress and much more.
Working together we find out why you are feeling the way you are feeling, how you can get back control of your life, to overcome any habits you have that are not serving you anymore. To overcoming any negative feelings you have about yourself or your life in general.
I have a very nuturing approach to the way I work. I help you learn how what you eat, the food you buy, the movement you choose on a daily basis can impact your body, positively or negatively and how small changes to these areas in your life can have a huge impact on how you feel, how you look and how your life can be.
These simple changes will remove the inflammation you have in your body, which will have a huge impact on your life.
Having me, as a Health Coach, on hand, working closely with you, can give you the support, guidance and accountability, you need, to keep going and help you feel empowered and positive to get to your goals and reduce the effects the inflammation in your body is making you feel.
Working with me as your Health Coach you will have a champion in your corner who is invested in your health and wellbeing and will help you achieve and see better results. You will have daily support throughout your journey and beyond.
Good Health will be the greatest gift you will give yourself.
If you are wanting to start your Health Journey click the button below to have a FREE 30 Minute Life Changing Call with me to discuss any health issues you are experiencing.
Do you want to feel "Normal" again?
I want you to feel "Normal" again. I want you feel in control of your body and mind. I want you to have more energy and vitality in life!
If this is how you want to feel we need to chat. I am here for you because I want this for you.
If you would like to talk through your new way of life and see how I can help you click on the button below. The call is FREE with no obligation to book anything at the end.